Monday, July 18, 2011

This vs. That (part 2)

Today's photo: Ladybug and chain.  I have mixed feelings about this one - I really, really like the simple composition, but there are a couple of things that I would tweak.  But, the lady bug has moved on so I guess that I should too...

The question I left off with last time was: Canon or Nikon – which DSLR camera should I buy?  There are, of course, other brands of cameras, but I narrowed it down to these two largely because of the availability of these cameras and shops to service them in my region.  As with any decision, there are pros and cons to each option and consequences regardless of which I pick.  With the seemingly decreasing quality of the photos produced by the point-and-shoot Canon PowerShot over the last year (or perhaps my more discerning eye and /or demands on the camera), it became more and more clear that if I was going to continue with the kind of photography that I enjoy I would need to get a DSLR.  I love the Canon 35mm camera that I had used for years, and the couple of lenses that I have should fit the DSLR cameras.  Being able to use those lenses and not buy new ones would be a major advantage.  That was a big plus for Canons. I was strongly leaning toward the T2i after looking at the specs and reading the reviews, but I looked at the demo T3i.  I really liked it.  However, my aunt has never been able to use the lenses from her 35mm Canon SLR on her newer DSLR… a distinct negative.   I am NOT going to drop this kind of money on a camera that I am not sure will work, do what I want it to do, and accommodate my growth as I (hopefully) get better and more skilled at photography.  That same day I looked at the T3i, I also looked at the Nikon D3000.  It was less expensive, and produced good quality images.  But I wasn’t convinced it was what I wanted, nor did it “feel right” in my hands.  Not sure why, but it didn’t.  So I went back to scouring the reviews and the specs on various models of each brand.  I returned to the shop on another day, with the lenses in-hand to test them on the T3i to make sure they were compatible… but they were sold out of them at the store.  Consequently, I tried the Nikon D90 and loved the way it felt and the pictures it took.  Loved it.  Back to reviewing the specs, reviews, prices, etc.  I came to the conclusion that they are both (T3i and D90) quality cameras and that I was going to like either one.  This was supported by the fact that while I was there at the shop, an older married couple came in and the person that was helping me told me that they used different cameras – one was a die-hard Nikon fan and the other was a Canon person to the core.  They both loved their cameras, and good-naturedly teased each other about which was better.  Their overall message – buy what you like.  After obsessing over which to choose, I decided on the Nikon D90.  When I went to the store to buy it, they didn’t have any left.  Ughhhhh!!!!  So now I am waiting to see what comes in.  They called me today to say that some cameras came in, so maybe I will have something… anything… tomorrow.  I will keep you updated.

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